FLOW 2 APRIL - 29 MAY 2022
As part of their 25th Anniversary celebrations, The Contemporary Glass Society worked in partnership with The Makers Guild in Wales. CGS members were invited to respond to the title FLOW.
The FLOW of glass, of ideas, of creativity, of movement (e.g. physical in the making process, movement of material…)FLOW – to move steadily and continuously in a current or stream. FLOW state – being in the zone, a mental state in which a person performing an activity (such as making) is fully immersed, a feeling of hyper focus, intense, leading to a sense of ecstasy and clarity.
I was delighted to be selected and my pieces were about the flow of daily life captured in moments - details of life and love in textile-inspired glass pieces. All pieces are available at FLOW - 2 April to 29th May 2022 – Makers Guild in Wales
Exhibiting artists include:Nour El Huda Awad, Carolyn Basing, Chris Bird-Jones, Jacky Edwards, Mark Fenn. Trish Goodbody, Amber Hiscott, Pratibha Mistry, Paul Mitchell, Linda Norris, Kate Pasvol, Rachel Phillips, Nicholas Rutherford, Anna Selway, Cathryn Shilling, Phillipa Silcock, Amelia Skachill Burke, Sus